이춘근의 국제정치

15회 북한이 조용했던 74일, 어떤 일들이 있었나?

드무2 2021. 10. 1. 20:24

15회 북한이 조용했던 74일, 어떤 일들이 있었나?







2017년 12월 4일 방송










북한의 끊임없던 도발 !

"왜 잠잠할까?"

마지막 도발 후 +64일째 되던 날의 상상




북한이 공개한 중거리 탄도미사일 '화성-12' 발사 장면


2017. 19. 15(미국 시각으로 14일)


미 군당국에 따르면 당시 미사일은 평양 순안 공군 기지에서 발사돼 일본 상공을 지나 태평양 바다에 떨어졌다.




North Korea's Plan :

Reduce U.S. to 'Ashes',

'Sink' Japan,

'Wipe Out' South Korea


북한의 계획 :

미국을 잿더미로 만들고

일본을 침몰시킬 것이며

한국을 쓸어 버릴 것이다


Sofia Lotto Persio Newsweek 14 September 2017




"미국이 선전포고를 한 이상

앞으로는 미국의 전략 폭격기들이

설사 우리의 영공선을 넘어서지 않는다 하더라도

임의의 시각에 쏘아 떨굴 권리를 포함해

모든 권리를 보유하게 되었다"


리용호 Ri Yong Ho 北 북한 외무성




北 김정은 "병진노선 계속 관철···제재압살 물거품 만들 것"

2017. 10. 08 조선일보


8일 조선중앙통신에 따르면 전날 김정은은 노동당 제7기 2차 전원회의에서 "우리 당이 경제 건설과 핵무력 건설의 병진노선을 틀어 쥐고 주체의 사회주의 한 길을 따라 힘차게 전진하여 온 것이 천만번 옳았으며 앞으로도 변함없이 이 길로 나아가야 한다'고 주장했다.

또 김정은은 회의에서 "제재압살 책동을 물거품으로 만들고 화를 복으로 전화시키기 위한 기본 열쇠가 바로 자력 갱생이고 과학 기술의 힘"이라고 강조했다.

이어 그는 과학 기술을 '사회주의 강국 건설의 기관차'라고 강조하며 경제 실무진들이 작전과 지휘를 잘해야 한다고 밝혔다.

김정은은 "오늘의 정세는 준엄하며 우리 앞에는 시련이 막아서고 있지만 우리 당은 전체 군대와 인민의 절대적인 지지와 신뢰를 받고 있기에 언제나 배심이 든든하다"

"그 어떤 천지지변 속에서도 자주적인 노선을 확고히 견지하며 백승의 길을 열어 나갈 것"이라고 밝혔다.




North Korea steps up security around monuments

to Kim family as anger over poor living standards.


North Korea has stepped up security around statues and other larger-than-life monuments to the ruling Kim family, apparently out of concern that they might be vandalised by a disgruntled-and increasingly hungry-citizenry. Citing its sources within North Korea, the Seoul-based Daily NK news web site said police "have been mobilised for night patrols" around statues dedicated to the three generations of the Kim family that have ruled the nation since 1945, while additional care is being taken across the country to protect wall murals and oil paintings in public places that extol their heroic achievements.


Julian Ryall, The Telegraph · October 26, 2017







점점 더 많은 북한 주민들이

북한 현실에 대해 더 많이 알게 되면서

북한 내부 봉기에 대해 생각할 수 있는 가능성이

점점 높아지고 있다.


(2016년 탈북한) 태영호 前 영국주재 북한대사관 공사

美 하원 외교위 청문회에서 발언 2017. 11. 1 9현지시각)




❝Here Are Some Tnteresting Details About The Way U.S.

B-2 Bombers Trained Over The U.S.

To Strike North Korea❞


By David Cenciotti




Some unusual activity took place in the skies over Missouri a couple of weeks ago.

Including B-2s referring to air strikes on DPKR target on the radio.

Just routine stuff or a message to Pyongyang?


What appears to be a medium size exercise, involving serveral different assets,

took place over CONUS(Continental U.S.) in the night on Oct. 19 and Oct. 18, 2017.

Tons of military traffic, including B-2s and B-52s bombers,

E-3 Sentry AEW(Airborne Early Warring) aircraft supported by KC-10 and

KC-135 tankers were involved in a series of simulated air strikes

on little airport all over Missouri.




US considering returning North Korea

to list of terror sponsor


Fox News November 2, 2017



Meanwhile, two U.S. B-1B bombers conducted drills on Thursday with South Korean

and Japanese fighters in central South Korea,

the largest show of force in region in a decade, Reuters reported. - November 2, 2017


President Trump's national security adviser said North Korea could be returned to the list of

countries the U.S. believes sponsor tettorism, as part of Trump's strategy to counter

the North's growing nuclear threat "You'll hear more about that soon, I think," the adviser,

H. R. McMaster, said at a briefing on the eve of Trump's five-nation tour of Asia, which starts Friday.




김정은 집권 기간(6년 동안)

약 60발 발사 (2017. 9. 15 현재)


3차, 4차. 5차, 6차



2016년 4월~10월

무수단 8차례 실험





2월 12일 : 2단형 고체추진미사일(트럼프 취임 21일 만에)

3월  6일 : 개량형 Scud-er 4발 발사

3월 22일 : 원산에서 탄도미사일 발사(직후 폭발)

4월  5일 : 신포 탄도미사일 발사, 동해 60km

4월 16일 : 중거리 미사일 발사 4-5초 후 폭발

4월 28일 : 미사일 발사, 실패

5월 14일 : 미사일 발사, 성공(문재인 대통령 3일 만에)

5월 20일 : 미사일 발사, 성공

5월 29일 : 스커드 미사일 발사

6월  8일 : 지대함 미사일 발사

7월  4일 : ICBM 발사

7월 28일 : ICBM 발사

8월 26일 : 동해를 향해 미사일 3발 모두 실패

8월 29일 : IRBM 발사 성공

9월  3일 : 제6차 핵실험

9월 15일 : IRBM 발사, 성공




 주체적 핵 강국 건설사에 특기할 위대한 사변 


지상 대 지상 중장거리 전략탄도로케트 《화성-12》형 시험 발사 성공

경애하는 최고령도자 김정은 동지께서 새형의 로케트 시험발사를 현지에서 지도하시였다.



 자손만대에 물려 줄 주체 탄 


조선로동당 위원장이시며 조선민주주의인민공화국 국무위원회 위원장이시며 조선인민군 최고사령관이신 우리 당과 국가, 군대의 최고령도자 김정은 동지의 원대한 핵강국 건설구상을 높이 받들고 세계가 보란듯이 새로운 목표를 향하여 과감히 돌진해 나가고 있는···

세계에서 가장 완성된 무기체계가 결코 미국의 영원한 독점물로 되지 않을 것이며···

미국은 그 기회에 조선의 탄도로케트들이 미국에 실지로 위험이 되는가 되지 않는가 하는 것을

속 시원히 보면 될 것이라고 말씀하시었다.


2017년 5월 14일 미사일 발사 실험 성공 후 (평양 5월 15일발 조선중앙통신)




5월 14일의 미사일 발사 실험 성공 기념 행사




K. T. McFarland (1951~)



McFarland 'no comment' on reports

US sabotaged North Korea missile launch,

calls launch a 'fizzle'


Published April 16, 2017




Deputy National Security Adviser K. T. McFarland on Sunday declined

to say whether the U.S. cyber-sabotaged North Korea's failed missile

launch, saying only that it was "a fizzle"

"You know we can't talk about secret intelligence and things that

might have been done, covert operations." McFarland told "Fox News

Sunday." "I really have no comment."

Still McFarland, a former Fox News contributor, said the failed

non-nuclear missile test Sunday by the rogue nation was one of about

30 failed attempts and that cyber was is now a big part of the geo-political





Charles Krauthammer (1950~)



Charles Krauthammer column :

The Great Reversal - for now


Moreover, the very swiftness of the response carried a message to the wider world.

Obama is gone. No more elaborate forensic investigations. No agonized presidential

hand-wringing over the moral dilemmas of a fallen world. It took Obama 10months

to decide what to do in Afghanistan. It took Trunp 63 hours to make Assad pay for

his chemical ㅡ weapons duplicity.


America demonstrated its capacity for swift decisive action. And in defense, mind

you, of an abstract international norm ㅡ a rationale that dramatically overrides the

constraints of America First.


To the North Pacific, for example. The Syria strike sent a message to both China and

North Korea that Trump's threats of unilateral action against Pyongyang's nukes and

missiles are serious. A pre-emptive strike against those facilities is still unlikely but

today conceivable. Even more conceivable ㅡ perhaps even probable ㅡ is a

shoot-down of a North Korean missile in flight.


For now, however, the traditionalists are in the saddle. U.S. policy has been normalized.

The world is on notice : Eight years of sleepwalking is over. America is back.


By Charles Krauthammer Apr 15, 2017

The Richmond Times







Earthquake detected in North Korea, but officials split on whether it was a new detonation





  • China detected a magnitude 3.4 earthquake in North Korea that it called a “suspected explosion”
  • South Korea’s weather agency said it believed it to be a natural earthquake
  • Previous quakes from North Korea have indicated nuclear tests


People watch news coverage of an earthquake in North Korea, shown at a railway station in Seoul, South Korea, on September 23, 2017.

Jung Yeon-Je | AFP | Getty Images



China’s earthquake administration said on Saturday it had detected a magnitude 3.4 earthquake in North Korea that was a “suspected explosion”, but it was still unclear whether the nation had actually conducted a new nuclear test.

Amid a growing war of words between Pyongyang and Washington,





Earthquake detected in North Korea, but officials split on whether it was a new detonation


  • China detected a magnitude 3.4 earthquake in North Korea that it called a “suspected explosion”
  • South Korea’s weather agency said it believed it to be a natural earthquake
  • Previous quakes from North Korea have indicated nuclear tests


Amid a growing war of words between Pyongyang and Washington, Chinese officials said in a statement on its website that the quake, which occurred around 0830 GMT(한국시간 17 : 30), was recorded a depth of zero kilometres.


Published 6 : 08 AM ET Sat, 23 Sept 2017

Updated 2 : 55 PM ET Sat, 23 Sept 2017 (한국시간 23일 저녁 7시)





진앙은 지진이 발생한 지하의 진원 바로 위에 해당하는 지표 상의 지점을 가리키며, 진원지라고도 한다













Chinese geologists have warned North Korea that the consequences could be catastrophic if it conducts another test at the mountainous Punggye-ri nuclear facility, the South China Morning Post reports.

North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test at the facility, situated roughly 50 miles from China's border, in early September. After the test, a senior Chinese nuclear scientist warned that another test could blow off the top of the mountain and lead to a massive collapse, which could allow radioactive waste to be blown across the border into China. This warning came as a North Korean delegation met with the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Geology in Beijing on September 20.

Pyongyang's September nuclear test was its most powerful yet. It was estimated to have a yield of 100 kilotons, which would make it roughly seven times as strong as the U.S. atomic bomb that decimated the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War II in 1945.








 북한 핵실험시설 붕괴, 200명 사망 


More than 200 people are believed to have died in underground tunnels after a collapse at North Korea's Punggye-ri nuclear facility.

The test site was reportedly badly shaken by the aftermath of the country's sixth nuclear test, a 100-kiloton hydrogen bomb roughly seven times more powerful than the atomic bomb the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

Read more: North Korean soldiers are being treated for radiation exposure after nuclear test


Keep Up With This Story And More By Subscribing Now


North Korean sources told Japanese television channel Asahi TV that the collapse occurred in October during the construction of an underground tunnel at the facility.




A South Korean scientist shows seismic waves taking place in North Korea on a screen at the Korea Meteorological Administration center on September 3 in Seoul. More than 200 people are believed to have died in underground tunnels after a collapse at North Korea’s Punggye-ri nuclear facility. North Korea is believed to have punished an official responsible for the test site, according to reports in Japanese newspaper Asahi. CHUNG SUNG-JUN/GETTY IMAGES







Samuel J. Locklear (1954~)




새뮤얼 라클리어 미국 태평양 사령관

"北 핵 실험 시도 시 정밀타격 가능"


미국은 북한이 3차 핵실험을 시도할 경우

핵실험 기지를 정밀타격하는 방안도 가지고 있는 것으로 확인됐다.

방한 중인 새뮤얼 라클리어 미국 태평얀군 사령관은

17일 오후 서울 용산 한미연합사에서 열린 기자회견에서

"북한의 핵실험 가능성을 주시하고 잇으며

모든 범주의 대응방안 (all options)을 강구하고 있다"고 밝혔다.


2012. 04. 17 16 : 07 : 58





