44회 6 · 12 싱가포르회담 ②
2018년 6월 14일 방송
Lee Choon Kun
2018년 6월 13일 촬영하였습니다.
Singapore Summit
6 · 12 미 · 북 정상회담 두번째!
Trump Calls Four-Hour Summit ‘Fantastic’
U.S. and North Korean leaders hold disarmament talks; White House has portrayed summit as first step
After a historic summit in Singapore, President Donald Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong Un signed a document committing to work together for peace. Other highlights included mutual compliments, handshakes and a lunch with prawn cocktail. Photo: Getty Images
Updated June 12, 2018 3:01 am ET
SINGAPORE—President Donald Trump declared a summit meeting with Kim Jong Un had gone better than expected as he emerged after nearly four hours of talks with the North Korean leader aimed at bringing about Pyongyang’s nuclear disarmament.
The two men walked side-by-side outside the hotel on Sentosa Island where they met as Mr. Trump said they were “going right now for a signing,” without providing more details.
리디렉션 알림
Singapore Summit 2018
트럼프의 완패!? 김정은의 완승?!
Mr. Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton plan to meet next week,
possibly with their North Korean counterparts, to discuss next steps, the president said.
트럼프 대통령은 "북한은 이미 가지고 있는 유일한 핵실험장 (풍계리)을 폭파하고 폐쇄한 바 있다.
그리고 미사일 엔진 시험장의 폐쇄도 약속했다"며
"이것은 합의문에 들어가진 않았지만 합의된 내용" 이라고 설명했다.
2018년 6월 12일 싱가포르회담 (트럼프 - 김정은) 합의문 전문
The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new US - DPRK relations in accordance with the
desire of peoples of the two countries
for peace and prosperity.
The United States and the DPRK will join the efforts
to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration,
the DPRK commits to work toward
complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
한반도 비핵화를 북한이 하기로 한 것!
The United Ststes and the DPRK commit to recovering POW / MIA remains,
including the immediate repatriation of those already indentified.
Nearly 7,800 U. S. troops remain unaccounted
for from the 1950 - 53 War
About 5,300 were lost in North Korea···.
Between 1996 and 2005, joint U. S. - North Korea military search teams
conducted 33 joint recovery operations
and recovered 229 sets of American remains.
2018. 6. 12 nytimes
Critics of the program also
argued the North was using the deal to squeeze cash out of Washington,
calling it "bones for bucks."
2018. 6. 12 nytimes
NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION Published June 12, 2018 Last Update June 13, 2018
Trump praises meeting with Kim Jong Un, says they’re ‘going’ to a signing
By Samuel Chamberlain , | Fox News
President Trump: We will have a terrific relationship
President Trump makes remarks at the summit with Kim Jong Un.
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President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Tuesday emerged from their "working lunch" and indicated that they were about to sign something, but did not give any further details.
"We had a really fantastic meeting, a lot of progress, really very positive," Trump said "I think better than anybody could have expected. Top of the line, really good. We’re going right now to a signing.”
Trump did not go into details about the comment.
Trump shook hands with North Korean leader Kim in Singapore shortly after 9 a.m. local time Tuesday, kicking off a historic summit meeting and marking a new era in relations between the U.S. and the totalitarian state known as the Hermit Kingdom.
Trump to Kim Jong Un: I look forward to working with you
Expanded bilateral meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong Un.
Moments later, as Trump and Kim sat side-by-side, the American president told a group of reporters: "We will have a terrific relationship, I have no doubt." Kim said through an interpreter that it "was not easy to get here" and that there "were obstacles, but we overcame them to be here."
About 40 minutes later, the two leaders emerged from one-on-one talks accompanied by their interpreters and made a brief appearance on a balcony. When asked how talks were progressing, Trump said: "Very good. Very, very good. Excellent relationship, thank you."
Moments later, Trump and Kim were joined by their aides for expanded discussions and a working lunch. On the U.S. side, Trump was accompanied by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and National Security Adviser John Bolton.
"Mr. Chairman, it’s a great honor to be with you," Trump told Kim as their aides faced each other across a rectangular table, "and we’ll have tremendous success together and we’ll solve a big problem, a big dilemma that until this point has been unable to be solved. I know that working together, we will get it taken care of." He then shook hands with Kim for at least the fourth time in under an hour.
Trump arrived first at the summit site on Singapore's Sentosa Island. Kim's black armored limousine pulled in a short time later at the luxury resort for the world's first meeting between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader. The two clasped hands as they posed for photos in front of a row of U.S. and North Korean flags. Trump then directed Kim to walk down a hallway, where they briefly spoke.
Despite the anticipation and early promise surrounding the talks, it was unclear how much could be accomplished after the White House unexpectedly announced Trump would depart Singapore by Tuesday evening. The White House said Trump was leaving early because negotiations had moved "more quickly than expected," but gave no details about any possible progress in preliminary talks.
However, an administration official told Fox News that Kim Jong Un’s aides informed White House officials that the North Korean delegation planned to leave Singapore on Tuesday afternoon. That led Trump to move his scheduled departure forward 24 hours, though the official told Fox News that the official time of departure remained fluid.
In the run-up to the talks, Trump had hopefully predicted the two men might strike a nuclear deal or forge a formal end to the Korean War in the course of a single meeting or over several days. But in a briefing with reporters Monday, Pompeo sought to keep expectations for the summit in check.
"We are hopeful this summit will help set the conditions for future productive talks," the secretary of state said.
In this image made from video provided by Host Broadcaster Mediacorp Pte Ltd,, U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sit together for their meeting at Capella Hotel in Singapore, Tuesday, June 12, 2018. (Host Broadcaster Mediacorp Pte Ltd via AP)
Hours before the summit, Trump tweeted with cautious optimism: "Meetings between staffs and representatives are going well and quickly ... but in the end, that doesn't matter. We will all know soon whether or not a real deal, unlike those of the past, can happen!"
In a second tweet, Trump defended his decision to meet with Kim from critics – whom he referred to as "haters and losers."
"We have our hostages, testing, research and all missle [sic] launches have stoped [sic], and these pundits, who have called me wrong from the beginning, have nothing else they can say! We will be fine!”
It was a striking about-face from less than a year ago, when Trump was threatening "fire and fury" against Kim, who in turn scorned the American president as a "mentally deranged U.S. dotard."
"We had a really fantastic meeting, a lot of progress, really very positive,"
Trump said "I think better than anybody could have expected.
Top of the line, really good. We’re going right now to a signing.”
2018. 6. 12 Foxnews
특집 : 미 전직관리들의 미북회담 평가
[인터뷰: 힐 전 차관보] “트럼프-김정은 성명, 과거보다 후퇴…검증이나 일정 언급 전혀 없어”
크리스토퍼 힐 전 국무부 동아태 담당 차관보.
도널드 트럼프 대통령과 김정은 위원장이 서명한 공동 성명에는 검증 절차나 비핵화 일정이 명시되지 않는 등 과거 합의보다 후퇴한 선언이라고 크리스토퍼 힐 전 국무부 동아태 담당 차관보가 지적했습니다. 힐 전 차관보는 12일 VOA와의 전화인터뷰에서 트럼프 대통령이 미-한 연합군사훈련 중단 가능성을 시사한 것과 관련해, 김정은이 미-한 양국의 사이를 틀어놓는 데 성공한 것이라고 분석했습니다. 주한 미국대사와 6자회담 미국 측 수석대표를 지낸 힐 전 차관보를 김영남 기자가 인터뷰했습니다.
기자) 트럼프 대통령과 김정은 위원장이 채택한 공동성명을 어떻게 평가하십니까?
힐 전차관보) 이 공동 성명은 매우 애매 모호하고 일반적이며 어떤 의미도 없을 것 같습니다. 이 성명에는 일종의 행동 계획이 뒷받침돼야 합니다. 제가 마이크 폼페오 국무장관이라면 매우 빠르게 이런 일을 진행할 것 같습니다.
기자) 비핵화 부문에 있어서 과거 성명과 비슷하거나 오히려 더 구체적이지 못하다는 평가도 있습니다.
힐 전 차관보) 과거 저희가 봤던 성명들보다 후퇴했다고 생각합니다. 검증이나 비핵화 일정에 대한 언급이 전혀 없었습니다. 비핵화를 어떻게 진행할지, 핵확산금지조약(NPT)에 어떻게 다시 가입하도록 할지 등도 다뤄지지 않았죠. 이번 공동 성명은 매우 일반적이며 채택 5분을 남겨놓고 작성된 것 같습니다.
기자) 트럼프 대통령은 과거 모든 협상은 실패했고 유화정책에 불과했다고 비판해왔습니다. 과거 대북 협상을 이끈 경험도 있으신데요.
힐 전 차관보) 트럼프 대통령이 과거 합의들과 이번 합의를 비교해본다면 과거 합의들이 훨씬 더 포괄적이었고 엄격했으며 명확했다는 점을 알 수 있을 겁니다.
기자) 이번 성명 2항에 포함된 한반도의 평화 체계 구축 노력이 무슨 뜻입니까?
힐 전 차관보) 저는 트럼프 대통령이 이 문구가 무엇을 의미하는지 잘 몰랐다고 생각합니다. 평화 협정을 위해서는 한국과 중국을 포함한 직접적인 당사국이 참여해야 합니다. 미국이 북한과 둘이 얘기할 사안이 아니죠. 트럼프 대통령은 한국과의 연합훈련을 중지하겠다는 식의 발언도 했습니다. 저는 트럼프 대통령이 이 발언에 앞서 한국 정부나 미 국방부와 미리 논의했을지 알아봐야 한다고 생각합니다. 사전에 협의를 거쳤는지 알 수는 없지만 우선 트럼프 대통령은 북한이 주장하듯 훈련이 매우 도발적이라는 표현을 사용했습니다.
기자) 트럼프 대통령은 연합훈련을 전쟁게임(war game)이라고도 표현했습니다. 지금까지 봤을 때 김정은이 미-한 관계를 틀어놓는데 있어 성공한 거 아닙니까?
힐 전 차관보) 김정은이 사이를 틀어놓는데 매우 성공적이었다고 생각합니다. 하지만 문재인 한국 대통령 역시 매우 행복할 것이라는 점을 빼면 말이죠. 문재인 대통령은 다음날 지방 선거를 치르는데 이번 회담 등 모든 것들의 결과들로 인해 여당이 매우 잘 할 것이기 때문입니다.
기자) 하지만 장기적으로 보면 한국이 우려해야 하는 발언들이 많이 나온 것 아닙니까?
힐 전 차관보) 저는 문재인 대통령이 어떻게 받아들일지 여부는 잘 모르겠습니다. 하지만 미국의 대통령이 한국의 안전 문제를 북한과 논의한다는 것은 드문 일입니다. 물론 저는 이런 발언에 앞서 트럼프 대통령과 문재인 대통령이 얼마나 많은 논의를 했는지는 잘 모르고 있습니다.
기자) 공동 성명이 채택됐는데 그럼 이제 앞으로 밟아야 할 단계는 무엇이 있습니까?
힐 전 차관보) 폼페오 장관이 이번 성명을 토대로 행동 계획을 설계해 나가야 한다고 봅니다. 동북아시아 지역의 파트너 국가들을 찾아가 진지한 논의를 시작하는 거죠. 저는 다자간 절차를 밟을지 지금과 같은 양자간 절차를 계속할지에 대해 근본적인 결정이 내려져야 한다고 생각합니다.
크리스토퍼 힐 전 차관보로부터 미-북 정상회담에서 채택된 공동 성명에 대한 평가와 한계에 대해 들어봤습니다. 대담에 김영남 기자였습니다.
기자) 트럼프 대통령은 연합훈련을 전쟁게임(war game)이라고도 표현했습니다.
지금까지 봤을 때 김정은이 미-한 관계를 틀어놓는데 있어 성공한 거 아닙니까?
힐 전 차관보) 김정은이 사이를 틀어놓는데 매우 성공적이었다고 생각합니 다.
하지만 문재인 한국 대통령 역시 매우 행복할 것이라는 점을 빼면 말이죠.
문재인 대통령은 다음날 지방 선거를 치르는데
이번 회담 등 모든 것들의 결과들로 인해 여당이 매우 잘 할 것이기 때문입 니다.
공화당과 민주당 모두 첫 북미 정상회담 결과를 두고
"축배를 들 기분은 아니다"
Addison Mitchell McConnell, Jr (1942~)
미국 공화당 상원 원내대표
미치 맥코넬 공화당 상원 원내대표는
이번 회담이 북미 관계에서 "중대한 첫 걸음"이라고 평가하면서도
북한이 후속조치를 제대로 하지 않는다면
결정적으로 중요한 회담이 못 된다고 평했다.
매코넬은 이 날 상원 회의에서
"다음 단계의 협상들을 통해
우리가 진정 신뢰할 수 있는 협상을 할 수 있는지 시험하게 될 것"이라면서
"우리 미국과 우방국들은 앞으로도
최대의 압박 정책을 재추진할 준비를 해야만 한다"고 덧붙였다.
Paul Davis Ryan, Jr (1970~)
미국의 제54대 연방하원의장
"우리가 수락할 수 있는 최종 합의는 한 가지 뿐이다.
완전하고, 증명가능하며, 불가역적인 비핵화 밖에 없다"
Randal Howard Paul (1961~)
美 연방 상원의원 (공화당)
"어떤 사람들은 대통령의 이번 회담이 너무 빨랐다고 말하지만.
나는 아직 트럼프대통령이 아무것도 거저 주어버린 것은 없다고 생각한다.
일단 북한은 핵실험을 중단했고 인질들을 석방했다.
앞으로 또 무엇을 하는지 지켜봐야겠지만, 나는 낙관적이다"
Chris Coons (1963~)
美 연방 상원의원 (민주당)
"이런 식의 정상회담은
제대로 준비도 없이 기분으로 치러져
진정한 외교라고 볼 수 없다"
"엔터테인먼트에 불과하며
악수나 하는 정상회담 TV리얼리티 쇼"
Marco Rubio (1971~)
美 플로리다 주 하원의장 (2007~2009)
"김정은에게 아부해서 좋은 거래를 하려는 것은 알고 있지만
그는 절대로 (츠럼프 대통령 말처럼) '재능 있는 인물'은 아니다.
아버지나 할아버지로부터 가업을 물려 받은 괴짜로,
어떤 민주주의 국가에서든
선거로는 유기견 잡는 보조직에도 선출되지 못할 인물이다"
Trump Was Outfoxed in Singapore
By Nicholas Kristof Opinion Columnist
June 12, 2018
Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times
It sure looks as if President Trump was hoodwinked in Singapore.
Trump made a huge concession — the suspension of military exercises with South Korea. That’s on top of the broader concession of the summit meeting itself, security guarantees he gave North Korea and the legitimacy that the summit provides his counterpart, Kim Jong-un.
Within North Korea, the “very special bond” that Trump claimed to have formed with Kim will be portrayed this way: Kim forced the American president, through his nuclear and missile tests, to accept North Korea as a nuclear equal, to provide security guarantees to North Korea, and to cancel war games with South Korea that the North has protested for decades.
My take on the Trump-Kim Summit :
Trump Was Outfoxed in Singapore
By Nicholas Kristof
2018. 6. 12 nytimes
North Korea Is Winning
North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un looks at U.S. President Donald Trump before their bilateral meeting at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa island in Singapore, June 12, 2018. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
Let’s speak plainly. If your only criteria for the Singapore talks is whether they decrease the short-term prospect of cataclysmic war on the Korean Peninsula, then Trump’s brief summit with Kim Jong-un is a success. It may also be very popular.
The language in the agreed text promises that both sides will work toward “denuclearization” and peace. Donald Trump said afterward the agreement means “the complete denuclearization of North Korea, and it will be verified.”
What is he even talking about? This is language that has been used in agreements with North Korea before.
Trump will soon discover that while agreements with North Korea may generate peace prizes, they stop neither the nuclear buildup nor the maniacal threats of war from Pyongyang. And it’s hard not to think Trump is propagandizing when he calls the sub-400-word text “very comprehensive.”
A more mature analysis needs to ask the following question: Has Trump’s engagement with North Korea decreased the chance of war — by increasing the North Korean regime’s chances for long-term survival? More frighteningly, has it increased the likelihood of Pyongyang consolidating the control of the Korean Peninsula under the rule of the Kim dynasty?
The latter possibility sounds far-fetched to most people. South Korea has a thriving, prosperous society and political freedom. Combined with its U.S. ally, it has a dramatic and decisive military edge over the North Koreans. How could a defective, insecure, poor North Korea, which can barely manage its own small electrical grid, possibly absorb one of the richest nations on earth?
The answer is simple. North Korea just has to keep on winning. North Korea can achieve the goal of unification on Pyongyang’s terms if it continues to extract diplomatic concessions for bad behavior, if it continues to put wedges between the U.S. and South Korea, and if Chinese and Russian interests continue to converge toward the goal of pushing the United States out of the region. It is very likely that Kim will continue the diplomatic tour, seeking an end to certain sanctions. China may already be flouting the sanctions regime.
We should all be grateful for the atmosphere of deescalation. It is much preferable to war. Millions of lives in South Korea, Japan, and North Korea depend on there not being a war. But U.S. policy must also focus on the long-term protection of millions of South Koreans from the predations and ambitions of this gulag-state to their north.
A real denuclearization of North Korea would be a great step in that direction. Despite the agreement’s words today, that seems a remote possibility. In its absence, the U.S. must keep up the economic and diplomatic pressure on the North Korean state. After today, that may be much harder.
Trump’s heart is in the right place: peace. But there is no evidence he has any idea how to maintain and expand a just peace on the Korean Peninsula.
NOW WATCH: ‘Donald Trump And Kim Jong Un Sign A Deal’
North Korea Is Winning
Today was a step toward a Korean Peninsula united — under Pyongyang.
오늘은 평양에 의한 한반도 통일에 한발짝 다가선 날
Let’s speak plainly. If your only criteria for the Singapore talks is whether they decrease the short- term prospect of cataclysmic war on the Korean Peninsula, then Trump’s brief summit with Kim Jong-un is a success. It may also be very popular.
The language in the agreed text promises that both sides will work toward “denuclearization” and peace. Donald Trump said afterward the agreement means “the complete denuclearization of North Korea, and it will be verified.”
What is he even talking about? This is language that has been used in agreements with North Korea before.
Trump will soon discover that while agreements with North Korea may generate peace prizes, they stop neither the nuclear buildup nor the maniacal threats of war from Pyongyang. And it’s hard not to think Trump is propagandizing when he calls the sub-400-word text “very comprehensive.”
A more mature analysis needs to ask the following question: Has Trump’s engagement with North Korea decreased the chance of war — by increasing the North Korean regime’s chances for long-term survival? More frighteningly, has it increased the likelihood of Pyongyang consolidating the control of the Korean Peninsula under the rule of the Kim dynasty?
2018. 6. 12 National Review (By Michael Brendan Dougherty)
A real denuclearization of North Korea would be a great step in that direction.
Despite the agreement’s words today, that seems a remote possibility.
북한이 비핵화 할 가능성은 거의 없다
2018. 6. 12 National Review (By Michael Brendan Dougherty)
Trump’s heart is in the right place: peace. But there is no evidence he has any
idea how to maintain and expand a just peace on the Korean Peninsula.
평화를 지향하는 것은 맞다.
그러나 트럼프는 한반도에서
어떻게 평화를 유지확장 하려는 것인지에 관한
아이디어를 가지고 있다는
아무런 증거도 보여주지 못했다.
2018. 6. 12 National Review (By Michael Brendan Dougherty)
Kim’s Big Day
By THE EDITORS | June 12, 2018 6:13 PM
President Trump with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the Singapore summit, June 12, 2018. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
Donald Trump is ever the showman, and he put on quite the show in Singapore in a surreal meeting with North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong-un.
Kim was overheard, via his translator, saying it was like something from “a science fiction movie,” and that was about right. The representative of a gangster state so immiserated and backwards that he couldn’t even fly his own plane to the summit was greeted warmly, nay fulsomely, by the leader of the free world.
We are fully aware of the dictates of realpolitik and the need at times to put aside our values in the service of our interests. But praising this tinpot killer as a promising young man, as Trump did in Singapore, is gross and unnecessary.
The president occasionally sounded cautious notes about what would come of his high-stakes diplomacy with Kim, although in general he couldn’t curb his enthusiasm. For Trump, it’s never enough just to say something is okay. So, Kim is a great negotiator, he’s smart, he’s funny, he loves his people and is very popular back home.
Even if we have to treat with Kim, we should never forget — or let him forget — that he’s a parasite on his people who violates every civilized norm and runs the most hideous police state in the world. Reagan, of course, never stopped talking about Soviet oppression even as he met with Soviet leaders. Pressuring the North on its wholesale violations of human rights should be an element of our pressure campaign against it — indeed, the nature of the regime is at the root of its recklessness and danger.
The buttering up of Kim would at least be a little more understandable if he had made major concessions at the summit. The meeting was initially billed as the moment when Kim would perhaps commit to complete, verifiable, rapid denuclearization. Instead, he produced more of the same — vague assurances of disarmament — in exchange for American concessions.
First, there was the legitimizing fact of the meeting with an American head of state itself. Second, there was the communiqué that accepted the North Korean formulation of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, its term of art for ending the U.S. nuclear umbrella over South Korea. Third, Trump promised to end joint U.S.–South Korean military exercises, a long-time demand of North Korea; the president called these “war games” expensive and provocative.
Since these are the kind of benefits that the North has always sought in exchange for any concessions on its part, it’s not clear what else we have to give going forward except sanctions relief.
The president says that the sanctions will remain, and this is welcome, but maintaining them won’t be so easy. The nature of a sanctions regime is that if you aren’t steadily increasing pressure, you are probably losing ground, because your adversary is usually finding new ways to cheat. South Korea will push to start doing business with the North on the basis of the warm atmospherics of the meeting, and China will have even less incentive to squeeze the North.
What to do now? We need to make every effort to keep the sanctions in place, to come up with clear, unmistakable benchmarks toward denuclearization, and be willing to declare this latest iteration of the West’s long negotiations with North Korea a failure, if or when Pyongyang balks at following through. It would be difficult to give up on this process, as Trump jokingly said in his press conference, now that he has vested so much in it. But if anyone can completely reverse course once he’s convinced he’s been played, it’s him.
Perhaps Kim Jong-un is truly interested in parting with his regime’s weapons in exchange for an economic opening. If so, maybe Trump’s over-the-top salesmanship in Singapore will have made a difference. But we fear that the North is playing its usual hand — selling the West a theoretical cessation of its weapons program, yet again — and playing it well.
We are fully aware of the dictates of realpolitik and the need at times to put
aside our values in the service of our interests. But praising this tinpot killer as
a promising young man, as Trump did in Singapore, is gross and unnecessary.
···. So, Kim is a great negotiator, he’s smart, he’s funny, he loves his people and
is very popular back home.
현실 정치를 이해하지만, 이 하찮은 살인자를
미래가 촉망되는 젊은이라 말하는 것은 심했다.
2018. 6. 12 National Review (By The Editors)
Even if we have to treat with Kim, we should never forget — or let him forget
— that he’s a parasite on his people who violates every civilized norm and runs
the most hideous police state in the world. Reagan, of course, never stopped
talking about Soviet oppression even as he met with Soviet leaders. Pressuring
the North on its wholesale violations of human rights should be an element
of our pressure campaign against it — indeed, the nature of the regime
is at the root of its recklessness and danger.
김정은을 상대해야 하지만 그는 북한 인민들에 기생해서 살고 있는,
모든 인도적 규범을 위반하며
세계에서 가장 잔인한 나라를 이끄는 인간이라는 사실을 잊으면···.
2018. 6. 12 National Review (By The Editors)
Promises, Nuclear Promises
Trump says he can tell Kim has changed, but the evidence is scant.
President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un shake hands after signing an agreement at the Capella Hotel in Singapore on June 12.
By The Editorial Board
Updated June 12, 2018 6:14 pm ET
Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un both received what they most wanted from their one-day summit in Singapore on Tuesday: Images of the two men shaking hands, talking across the table and getting along famously. Whether this photo-op summitry achieved anything beyond the bonhomie is a lot less clear.
In Mr. Trump’s telling, his willingness to engage in personal diplomacy has persuaded the young Kim to abandon the nuclear-weapons program that he and his forbears have spent decades building. Mr. Trump gave Kim the legitimacy of equal billing on the world stage, but the risk was worth the gamble and has paid off in an historic change of heart.
Promise, Nuclear Promises
Trump says he can tell Kim has changed, but the evidence is scant.
Whether this photo-op summitry achieved anything beyond the bonhomie is a lot less clear.
Yet everything hangs on those details, not on the promises, which North Korea has made and
reneged on manytimes. And there is little in the joint communique or in North Korea statements
to demonstrate that Kim has committed to do what Mr. Trump claims.
공동 담화문, 북한의 언급에 김정은이
과연 트럼프의 말 대로 행동할런지 별 근거가 없다.
2018. 6. 13 WSJ
두 사람, 두 지도자, 하나의 운명
(Two men, two leaders, one destiny)
"So, I think the rhetoric, I hated to do it.
Sometimes I felt foolish doing it.
But we had no choice.
나는 레토릭을 싫어한다.
그런 걸 할 때는 바보 같아짐을 느낀다.
그러니 선택의 대안이 없을 때도 있다."
But Trump told Hannity he thought his tough style paved
the way for Tuesday's summit.
"I think without the rhetoric, we wouldn't have been here."
Trump said.
"I really believe that."
Donald John Trump (1946~)
제45대 美 대통령
"His country has to be denuked, and he understood that, he fully understood it,"
Trump said. "He didn't fight it."
Trump also said in the interview he believed the North Korean leader wound
start to work toward dismantling his country's nuclear program
"Virtually immediately."
The Accidental Superpower (2014)
: The Next Generation of American Preeminence and the Coming Global Disorder
- Peter Zeihan
"미국은 실수할 여유가 있는 나라, 실수해도 별 영향이 없는 나라"
Trump's America (2018~)
: The Truth about Our Nation's Great Comeback
- Newt Gingrich
OPINION | Published June 12, 2018
Newt Gingrich: Trump has accomplished more than Clinton, Bush, and Obama combined - this is just the beginning
By Newt Gingrich , | Fox News
President Trump and Kim shake hands on landmark agreement
President Trump left Singapore carrying a signed document from Kim Jong Un pledging to work towards complete denuclearization; chief White House correspondent John Roberts reports from Singapore.
President Trump and Kim shake hands on landmark agreement
President Trump left Singapore carrying a signed document from Kim Jong Un pledging to work towards complete denuclearization; chief White House correspondent John Roberts reports from Singapore.
With his historic summit Tuesday with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, President Trump has once again done something astounding and unpredictable.
Yet, the surprise over the sudden summit should not have come as a surprise at all. By now we should be used to President Trump surprising us. Consider his record over the last four years.
Four years ago, in June 2014, almost no one would have dreamed Donald J. Trump would be a serious candidate for president. Then, nearly three years ago, when he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, almost no one thought he could be a dominant candidate.
In fact, my own conversion to Trump as a very real contender only occurred after his July 11, 2015 rally in Phoenix, which led my former colleague, Vince Haley, to come in the office and say: “You had better watch what Trump is doing because his Phoenix rally was emotionally powerful when he turned the microphone over to the father whose child had been killed by an illegal immigrant.”
Then, on August 6, 2015, I watched Trump gain the support of nearly a quarter of registered Republican voters (24 percent) in a CNN/ORC poll after the first Republican presidential debate. This was a huge lead in a field of 16 other candidates – especially given that 58 percent of those asked had a favorable view of Trump.
Still, all the elites fervently believed Trump had lost the debate. The gap between the American people and the elites had never been clearer.
Two years ago, in June 2016, all the elite pundits were certain Trump would lose the presidential election to Hillary Clinton. Once again, they were wrong.
Last year, in July 2017, all the elites were sure the collapse of the ObamaCare repeal plan meant the end of the Trump-Republican legislative achievement. Virtually no one predicted President Trump would pivot and five months later win a huge tax, which is now propelling the economy into what would have been unthinkable growth under President Obama.
Now our elites are in utter turmoil.
President Trump was very tough with our oldest allies at the G-7 summit in Canada over the weekend, while he is being apparently cordial to Kim Jong Un. The elites are whirling in confusion at this kind of swirling maneuvering in a three- or four-day period.
Yet, there is a deep consistency in what President Trump is doing. He correctly understands that our allies have been happy because we have carried the allied military burden for 73 years (since the end of World War II), and we have accepted bad trade deals and one-sided protectionist regulations on their part.
Of course, our allies are offended that America now has a president who actually wants them to pay their fair share for defense. Of course, they do not want to change their tariffs and regulations to have honest, open trading that isn’t biased against America.
At the same time, President Trump is being tough with our allies, he has acted on a deep reflection about the failure of Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama with the North Korean dictatorship. From 1994 to the present, the United States has wrung its hands and complained ineffectively as the North Koreans marched resolutely toward having nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
President Trump spent more than a year talking with the leaders of Japan, China, and South Korea. He consulted regularly with his senior foreign policy and national security advisers. He implemented a maximum-pressure campaign of much tougher sanctions – and even tougher language.
Trump administration Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis communicated that a war with North Korea would be “catastrophic.” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a strong speech outlining how much tougher sanctions could get if North Korea did not agree to denuclearization. National Security Adviser John Bolton has a long track record of being tough on North Korea.
With firmness set – and an American willingness to get even tougher evident – Kim Jong Un indicated to the South Koreans that he was willing to meet with President Trump.
The impressive thing about President Trump’s reaction was his speed and decisiveness. He saw an opening that might (repeat might) be historic, and he took it.
This decisiveness and willingness to take risks repudiates a deep elite diplomatic tradition of slow, cautious work by subordinates to gradually develop an agenda.
In my new book, “Trump’s America: The Truth About Our Nation’s Great Comeback,” I emphasize over and over that President Trump has consistently been a dealmaker and a very patient, tough negotiator, who sets big goals and then works relentlessly to achieve them. In fact, I first wrote about these traits last year in my book “Understanding Trump.”
My dad fought in the Korean War in 1953. I have been studying the North Koreans for most of my life. I do not know what will happen. It is possible that this one more effort to lie to an American president. However, I doubt it.
President Trump has clearly communicated the U.S. position through sanctions, his own words, key statements by very competent subordinates, and in actions elsewhere.
Consider how the North Koreans might be studying the U.S. military strikes retaliating against the Syrian chemical weapon attack, the moving of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and the tearing up of the Iran nuclear deal. President Trump has also consistently insisted on a substantial military build-up. It’s clear he is a tough guy willing to play a tough role.
Now, I do not believe everything is done. We are not entering a Pollyanna world of being close friends with North Korea.
I do believe, however, that – through a combination of toughness and boldness, aggressiveness and flexibility, and resolution and an amazingly fast grasping of tactical opportunities – President Trump may have begun the process of opening up North Korea and changing history.
President Trump has already accomplished more with North Korea than Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama combined. And this is just the beginning.
With his historic summit Tuesday with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, President Trump
has once again done something astounding and unpredictable. Yet, the surprise over the
sudden summit should not have come as a surprise at all. By now we should be used to
President Trump
surprising us. Consider his record over the last four years.
놀랍기도 하고 예측 불가능하기도 하지만
트럼프는 놀라움의 연속이었다.
2018. 6. 13 Foxnews
President Trump was very tough with our oldest allies at the G-7 summit in Canada over the
weekend, while he is being apparently cordial to Kim Jong Un. The elites are whirling in confusion
at this kind of swirling maneuvering in a three- or four-day period.
Yet, there is a deep consistency in what President Trump is doing. He correctly understands
that our allies have been happy because we have carried the allied military burden for 73
years (since the end of World War II), and we have accepted bad trade deals and one-sided
protectionist regulations on their part.
트럼프의 행동에는 일관성이 있다
2018. 6. 13 Foxnews
서훈(1954~) 정의용(1946~) 조윤제(1952~)
대한민국 제13대 국가정보원장 청와대 국가안보실장 / 대북특별사절단 수석특사 주미한국대사
정의용 청와대 국가안보실장은 8일 저녁 백악관에서 사진 언론 브리핑에서
김정은 북한 국무위원장이
"도널드 트럼프 대통령을
가능한 한 빨리 만나고 싶다는 열망을 나타냈다"고 말했다. (VOA news)
2018년 3월 8일 (현지시간) 백악관
Now, I do not believe everything is done. We are not entering a Pollyanna world of
being close friends with North Korea. I do believe, however, that – through a combination
of toughness and boldness, aggressiveness and flexibility, and resolution
and an amazingly fast grasping of tactical opportunities – President Trump may
have begun the process of opening up North Korea and changing history.
President Trump has already accomplished more with North Korea than Presidents
Clinton, Bush, and Obama combined. And this is just the beginning.
2018. 6. 13 Foxnews
My dad fought in the Korean War in 1953. I have been studying the North Koreans
for most of my life. I do not know what will happen. It is possible that this one
more effort to lie to an American president. However, I doubt it.
북한이 이번에도 거짓말을 하는 것인지 알 수 없다.
그러나 나는 그렇지 않을 것이라고 생각한다.
President Trump has clearly communicated the U.S. position through sanctions,
his own words, key statements by very competent subordinates, and in actions
트럼프는 이미 김정은에게 분명한 신호들을 보냈다.
(여러 경로를 통해 정확하게···)
2018. 6. 13 Foxnews
Understanding Trump (2017) - Newt Gingrich
린지 그레이엄 상원의원이 김 위원장에게
'미북회담서 행동조심하라'고 경고한 데에는
"그레이엄 의원이 트럼프 대통령의 협상 능력에
굉장한 자신감을 보인다고 생각한다"고 말했다.
미 공화당의 대표적인 대북 강경파로 좁히는 그레이엄 의원은
8일 성명을 내고 김 위원장을 겨냥,
"트럼프 대통령과 만나 그를 농락하려 든다면
그걸로 당신과 당신의 집권은 끝"이라고 했다.
2018. 3. 10 조선일보
Lindsey Olin Graham (1955~)
美 상원의원
정치 · 안보
2018. 6. 7
미 상원 군사위, 새 국방수권법안 가결…주한미군 대폭 감축 ‘협상 불가’
미국 상원 군사위원회 회의가 열리고 있다.
주한미군에 관한 의회의 입장을 명시한 국방수권법안이 미 하원에 이어 상원 군사위원회를 통과했습니다. 북한의 비핵화와 연계된 주한미군을 상당수 감축하는 것은 협상 대상이 아니라고 일축했습니다. 이조은 기자가 보도합니다.
미 상원 군사위원회가 6일 2019회계연도 새 국방수권법안(S. 2987)을 공개했습니다.
지난 24일 군사위를 통과한 이 법안은 장기간 투병중인 존 맥케인 상원 군사위원장의 이름을 따 ‘존 맥케인 국방수권법’으로 명명됐습니다.
하원에 이어 상원 국방수권법안에도 주한미군에 관한 별도 조항이 포함됐습니다.
주한미군을 상당수 감축하는 것은 완전하고 검증 가능하며 불가역적인 북한의 비핵화와 관련된 것이기 때문에 협상 가능한 항목이 아니라는 1249조 내용입니다.
다만, 상원이 법안에 명시한 주한미군에 관한 입장은 의회의 인식 조항에 포함돼 법적 구속력은 없다는 점에서 하원과 구별됩니다.
지난 24일 하원 본회의를 통과한 하원 국방수권법안에는 의회 승인 없이 주한미군 규모를 2만2000명 미만으로 줄일 수 없도록 의무화 했습니다.
상원은 주한미군에 관한 입장을 밝히며 구체적인 근거도 9장에 걸쳐 서술했습니다.
미-한 동맹은 인도태평양 역내 평화와 안보의 핵심이며 한반도와 인도태평양 역내에 걸쳐 배치된 미군은 전 세계 모든 국가들에게 이익이 되는 평화롭고 안정적인 규범에 근거한 국제질서 유지에 핵심적인 역할을 하고 있다는 겁니다.
이어 한국은 자국과 주한미군 방어를 위해 상당한 기여를 하고 있다며 주한미군이 이전할 새 기지인 캠프험프리 프로젝트에 투입된 자금의 93%인 100억 달러를 한국이 지불했다고 덧붙였습니다.
또 주한미군은 국제법에 따라 합법적으로 배치된 반면, 북한의 핵, 탄도미사일 프로그램은 명백하고 거듭되는 국제법 위반이라고 지적했습니다.
아울러 중국과 러시아, 북한과 같은 독재국가들이 오랫동안 밝혀온 전략적 목표는 주한미군을 대폭 감축하는 것이라고 강조했습니다.
이 외에도 상원 법안에는 미-북 정상회담에서 비핵화 관련 합의가 도출될 경우 검증에 관한 세부 기 준을 설정하도록 하는 내용이 포함됐습니다.
하원도 이날 상원 법안과 동일한 내용이 담긴 '북 핵 기준 법안'을 별도로 발의했습니다.
국방부는 먼저 북한의 핵무기와 탄도미사일에 관한 위치, 보유량, 역량, 운영 상태 현황을 조사해야 하며, 북한이 합의에 따라 취하는 비핵화 조치에 대한 검증 평가 보고서를 의회에 제출하라는 내용이 상하원 법안 모두에 담겼습니다.
한편 하원의 새 국방수권법안은 4일 상원으로 넘겨졌으며, 상원 법안과 조율을 거쳐 최종 수정안이 발표될 예정입니다.
VOA 뉴스 이조은입니다.
'존 맥케인 국방수권법' (S. 2987)
NORTH KOREA | Published June 13, 2018
North Korean state media highlights US concession on war games
By Amy Lieu , | Fox News
Trump: We want to denuclearize the entire peninsula
On 'Hannity,' President Trump takes Americans inside his meeting with Kim Jong Un.
Trump: We want to denuclearize the entire peninsula
On 'Hannity,' President Trump takes Americans inside his meeting with Kim Jong Un.
North Korean state media highlighted President Donald Trump’s concessions on war games, while lauding the Singapore summit with their leader Kim Jong Un and the U.S. president, Reuters reported Tuesday.
Trump raised eyebrows when he told reporters in Singapore his intentions to stop the joint drills. He called the exercises expensive, “very provocative” and “inappropriate.”
People look at the display of local newspaper reporting the meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump, at a subway station in Pyongyang, North Korea Wednesday, June 13, 2018. (Kyodo News via AP)
“We’re not going to be doing the war games as long as we’re negotiating in good faith,” Trump told Fox News in an interview in Singapore after he met with Kim Jong Un.
North Korea has long objected to the drills as a security threat.
There was confusion over Trump's comment. There is another major U.S.-South Korean drill that is due in August, Reuters reported.
U.S. forces in South Korea said they “received no updated guidance on the execution or cessation of training exercises.”
The U.S. still maintains around 28,500 soldiers in South Korea. Incidentally, Trump’s announcement apparently surprised South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s government in Seoul.
“At this point, we need to know President Trump’s exact meaning or intentions,” according to a statement released by Moon’s office, obtained by The Straits Times. “However we think that it is crucial to pursue various solutions for better dialogue.”
U.S. President Donald Trump holds up the document that he and North Korea leader Kim Jong Un just signed at the Capella resort on Sentosa Island Tuesday, June 12, 2018 in Singapore. (Associated Press)
Moon, acting as a mediator, worked for months to help bring about the Trump-Kim summit, Reuters reported.
“Leaving dark days of war and conflict behind, we will write a new chapter of peace and cooperation,” Moon said in a statement obtained by The Times. "We will be there together with North Korea along the way.”
Trump also offered North Korea security guarantees.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
“We’re not going to be doing the war games as
long as we’re negotiating in good faith,”
Trump told Fox News in an interview in Singapore
after he met with Kim Jong Un.
"우리가 북한과 선의 (in good faith)로 협상을 진행하는 한,
한미연합훈련을 하지 않을 것"
2018. 6. 12 (현지시간) Foxnews
1. 누구에게 한 말?
2011. 5. 4 동아일보
동아일보 | 국제
美 더그 밴도우 “주한미군 유지 필요없다”
입력 2011-05-04 08:50 업데이트 2011-05-04 08:51
한국은 자주국방 능력이 충분하고 스스로 북핵 위협을 저지하는 게 바람직하기 때문에 주한미군을 더 이상 유지할 필요가 없다는 주장이 미국내 일각에서 제기됐다.
보수성향의 미 싱크탱크인 케이토연구소의 더그 밴도우 선임연구원은 3일 경제전문지 포브스에 기고한 글에서 존 존슨 미 8군사령관이 최근 주한미군 2만8500명을 유지하겠다는 입장을 밝힌 것과 관련, 이같이 주장했다.
그는 "왜 미국이 스스로 국방을 책임질 수 있는 선진적이고 부유한 다른 나라의안보를 위해 부대를 창설해서 해외에 주둔시키느냐"면서 "왜 미국 군인이 한국을 방어하기 위해 전투를 준비하고 있느냐"고 거듭 반문했다.
밴도우 연구원은 특히 "한국은 북한의 국내총생산(GDP)에 해당하는 액수를 국방비로 쓸 수 있다"면서 "그러나 미국이 자국민으로부터 세금을 걷어 한국민을 위해 쓰겠다는데 한국이 굳이 그렇게 할 필요가 없다"고 지적했다.
또 "냉전시절에는 한반도가 전세계 분쟁과 연관돼 있었지만 지금은 북한이 남한을 정복한다고 해도 인도적 참사와 경제적 손실만 있을 뿐 지정학적 측면에서 미국에 미치는 영향은 거의 없을 것"이라고 주장했다.
이어 밴도우 연구원은 북핵문제에 언급, "한국은 미국이 개입하는 것보다 스스로 이를 저지하는 게 나을 것"이라면서 "더욱이 미국은 2만8천500명의 미군 병사를 북핵 위협의 인질로 공급한 셈이므로, 북핵문제는 주한미군 철수의 또다른 이유가 된다"고 주장했다.
그는 "개입정책은 위험하다"고 강조한 뒤 "끊임없이 외국의 일에 개입하고 여기저기에서 살상하는 것은 적을 만들 뿐"이라며 "이제는 중단하겠다고 말할 시점"이라고 말했다.
이밖에 그는 일본, 유럽연합(EU) 등도 충분한 경제력을 갖추고 있으나 미국의 군사력에 의존하고 있다고 덧붙였다.
그러나 이날 포브스 홈페이지 게시판에는 "독일에 미군이 5만2440명이나 주둔하고 있는 것을 아느냐"면서 "한국과 일본을 먼저 언급한 것은 다분히 인종차별적인시각"이라는 비판글도 올랐다.
디지털 뉴스팀
Time to Get Tough (2011)
: Make America Great Again!
Donald J. Trump
"한국에는 60-70만 대군이 있다.
그런데 왜 아직도 28,500명의 미군이 계속 주둔하고 있는가?"
"미군이 한국에 주둔하는 것이 좋은 생각이라면
왜 주둔 비용을 한국으로부터 받아내지 않는가?"
자가당착 (自家撞着)
같은 사람의 말이나 행동이 앞뒤가 서로 맞지 아니하고 모순됨
서훈 (1954~)
대한민국 제13대 국가정보원장
"문재인 정부는 국민이 우려하는,
한 · 미 동맹에 배치되는 일은 하지 않을 것이다."
2018. 3. 10 조선일보
"북한은 한 · 미 동맹이 있으면
한 · 미 연합훈련이 있다는 것을
기정사실로 받아들여야 한다."
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